Free public transport

The Dáil has passed a non-binding motion calling on the Government to provide free public transport. The Independent Group, a group of regional independents, had called on the Government to introduce “free and accessible” public transport services across...
Contactless payments

Contactless payments

Contactless and smartphone payments on Dublin Bus may be possible late next year. Listen as NBRU Dublin branch chairman Sean Yeates speaks to Newstalks Pat Kenny....
Memorial day for those killed in workplace accidents

Memorial day for those killed in workplace accidents

For everyone with an interest in the safety, health and welfare of people at work, April 28th is an important date. It’s the date every year when trade union and employer groups worldwide, as well as individual organisations, remember those who have been killed or...
COVID-19 restrictions lifted

COVID-19 restrictions lifted

With the peak of Omicron seemingly over and hospitalisation figures being relatively stable, the Government has decided to ease the restrictions in an attempt to move into a new phase of dealing with the virus. There are currently 892 people in hospital with Covid-19...
Your guide to the return of COVID-19 changes Announced this afternoon

Your guide to the return of COVID-19 changes Announced this afternoon

Taoiseach announced a raft of extra  COVID-19 restrictions today 03/12/2021: HERES A GUIDE TO THE CHANGES: Taoiseach: Nightclubs to close next Tuesday, 50% capacity cap for indoor events and strict rules for hospitality NPHET recommended limits on social mixing in the...