The roadmap to freedom from covid-19 restrictions

The roadmap to freedom from covid-19 restrictions

  The government announced four key dates for the journey out of Covid-19 restrictions. 1 September (tomorrow) Public transport will return to 100% capacity. The National Transport Authority has said the wearing of a face-covering on public transport will remain...
General secretary writes to CEO’s of CIE companies with new COVID-19 concerns

General secretary writes to CEO’s of CIE companies with new COVID-19 concerns

COVID-19 vaccine news

COVID-19 vaccine news

As we all look forward to the day when normal life returns the news of a vaccine is welcome the following might help us understand about the vaccine and is not an opinion by the union on the vaccine rather some information you may find interesting as the vaccine rolls...
NBRU persistence pays off

NBRU persistence pays off

NBRU reps across the country are reporting a substantial increase in the use of face coverings by bus and rail passengers although primarily on mainline trains and Bus Eireann however city commuters seem a little slower to comply .This is directly as a result of our...
Fianna Fail leader responds to NBRU Correspondence

Fianna Fail leader responds to NBRU Correspondence

Once again NBRU at the front in ensuing transport workers concerns are communicated at the highest level. Please click the link and read response from Fianna Fail leader to NBRU: NRBU (2)